I remember...
In good weather
We walked together
Pride I took my fellow
Calling you my shadow
Then, it rained with thunder
I realised my blunder
For my shadow sticks to me
With light flowing free
Come darkness, and my fellow
Disappears my shadow
Without further ado!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Physical Pain - A Curse?
If you get injured, stretch your muscle, fracture your bone or have
some swelling or infection, you feel pain. Pain, to certain extent, is
tolerable. The degree of tolerance varies from person to person. Nobody
likes pain. Nobody can live without it. Pain, a personal feeling,
sometimes becomes so intolerable that we tend to question the intentions
of Nature (God) behind pain. Is pain a curse? To most of us who have
passed through unbearable long-duration pain, it is. We pray to God to
free us from this curse as early as possible.
Let us, for a moment, assume that the God approves our prayer and puts us in the state of Zero-pain. If this happens it is a matter of celebration for us but most of us would soon realize that it is a bigger curse than to have pain. We consider pain as a factor causing discomfort. In stead we should see to it as a signal indicating some physical disorder and it is this physical disorder that creates discomfirt. Imagine if a person has no feeling of pain whatever happens to him. Now, if one of his bones is fractured he would not have any pain and, in turn, he would not know that he has broken his bone. If he continues to work, the condition of his bone would worsen, without his knowledge, to the extent that may bring some permanent disability or even fatality.
There are people in this world who cannot feel even slightest of pain. These people are vulnerable to greater physical injuries to the extent that the injury turns into a permanent disability and for the rest of their life they become dependent on others. Remember pain is not only the indicator of a disorder, it is also necessary for determining the level of recovery one has attained by treatment. So, in absence of pain the treatment becomes almost impossible.
It is clear that pain is not a curse but a blessing in disguise and what is needed is developing a higher level of tolerance and, believe it or not, the tolerance level can be increased if we accept pain as an 'inevitable' part of our life.
Let us, for a moment, assume that the God approves our prayer and puts us in the state of Zero-pain. If this happens it is a matter of celebration for us but most of us would soon realize that it is a bigger curse than to have pain. We consider pain as a factor causing discomfort. In stead we should see to it as a signal indicating some physical disorder and it is this physical disorder that creates discomfirt. Imagine if a person has no feeling of pain whatever happens to him. Now, if one of his bones is fractured he would not have any pain and, in turn, he would not know that he has broken his bone. If he continues to work, the condition of his bone would worsen, without his knowledge, to the extent that may bring some permanent disability or even fatality.
There are people in this world who cannot feel even slightest of pain. These people are vulnerable to greater physical injuries to the extent that the injury turns into a permanent disability and for the rest of their life they become dependent on others. Remember pain is not only the indicator of a disorder, it is also necessary for determining the level of recovery one has attained by treatment. So, in absence of pain the treatment becomes almost impossible.
It is clear that pain is not a curse but a blessing in disguise and what is needed is developing a higher level of tolerance and, believe it or not, the tolerance level can be increased if we accept pain as an 'inevitable' part of our life.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Life (poem)
Walk, jump, or run,
No one can shun
For life is a race
Everyone has to face
Birth, its starting point
Death, the finishing line
Everybody wants to win
And yet,
Nobody wants to touch
The finishing line as such!
No one can shun
For life is a race
Everyone has to face
Birth, its starting point
Death, the finishing line
Everybody wants to win
And yet,
Nobody wants to touch
The finishing line as such!
Tragic End of A Nobel Prize Winner
The use of chemicals as a destructive weapon in wars is not a recent
development. The first major attempt, however, for developing chemical
weapons of mass destruction started way back during the First World War
when the rival groups invited scientists for applying their skill in
this direction.
Fritz Haber, a scientist of great repute at that time, finds mention in academic syllabi of high-school chemistry as the one who developed the process of manufacture of ammonia gas from nitrogen and hydrogen. But he extended his research for the development of the process of manufacture of nitric acid from ammonia. This led to the further progress in the manufacture of nitrogen-base explosives.
Haber was a German scientist. As a patriotic German, he gave priority to his duty towards his country over the future destruction of mankind as the consequence of his inventions. He was the leading scientist, on the side of Germany during the First World War, who were engaged in the development of destructive chemicals which could bring about massive killing of the enemy. Haber's wife, herself a chemist, opposed the very idea of mass killing and requested him to give up his work. Haber declined arguing that it was his patriotic duty. His wife committed suicide after she had failed to persuade him.
Haber luckily escaped the trial as a war criminal in 1919 but being a Jew by birth he had to pay the penalty. He was treated cruelly despite his services. The Nobel Prize Winner scientist for whom patriotism was at the top was hounded out of his country and he left for Cambridge with broken heart. Remaining years of his life were more or less painful until he died, in exile, in Basle( Palestine), after sufferring from sudden illness- a tragic end to a great life!
Fritz Haber, a scientist of great repute at that time, finds mention in academic syllabi of high-school chemistry as the one who developed the process of manufacture of ammonia gas from nitrogen and hydrogen. But he extended his research for the development of the process of manufacture of nitric acid from ammonia. This led to the further progress in the manufacture of nitrogen-base explosives.
Haber was a German scientist. As a patriotic German, he gave priority to his duty towards his country over the future destruction of mankind as the consequence of his inventions. He was the leading scientist, on the side of Germany during the First World War, who were engaged in the development of destructive chemicals which could bring about massive killing of the enemy. Haber's wife, herself a chemist, opposed the very idea of mass killing and requested him to give up his work. Haber declined arguing that it was his patriotic duty. His wife committed suicide after she had failed to persuade him.
Haber luckily escaped the trial as a war criminal in 1919 but being a Jew by birth he had to pay the penalty. He was treated cruelly despite his services. The Nobel Prize Winner scientist for whom patriotism was at the top was hounded out of his country and he left for Cambridge with broken heart. Remaining years of his life were more or less painful until he died, in exile, in Basle( Palestine), after sufferring from sudden illness- a tragic end to a great life!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
If There Is Life After Death
A short poem if it could be called a poem...
Ever since man realized that
There is life after death
In the quest for happiness
In that life after death
He forgot to happily live
The life he has before death
Ever since man realized that
There is life after death
In the quest for happiness
In that life after death
He forgot to happily live
The life he has before death
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
A short poem if it could be called a poem
With its pointed beak
Loneliness at its peak
Sharply cuts wounds on me
Yet, to it, still
Grains of tears I spill
I love loneliness
For, in the bleeding pain
Those pricky wounds drain
I feel memories, warm and sweet
Of your endless lovely tweet!
With its pointed beak
Loneliness at its peak
Sharply cuts wounds on me
Yet, to it, still
Grains of tears I spill
I love loneliness
For, in the bleeding pain
Those pricky wounds drain
I feel memories, warm and sweet
Of your endless lovely tweet!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Here is a geometrical puzzle of highschool level. Try to solve it.
There is a semicircular plot of land with radius R. A square garden is to be prepared in this semicircular region such that two vertices of the square are on the semicircular arc and remaining two vertices are on the diameter. What will be the area of the square in terms of radius R ?
If you get the answer then place it as a comment to my post. You require a Google registration for that. I will post the answer with solution on August 12.
There is a semicircular plot of land with radius R. A square garden is to be prepared in this semicircular region such that two vertices of the square are on the semicircular arc and remaining two vertices are on the diameter. What will be the area of the square in terms of radius R ?
If you get the answer then place it as a comment to my post. You require a Google registration for that. I will post the answer with solution on August 12.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
- "Women are expert mathematicians. They always divide their age by two, multiply their husband's income by five and add a few years to the age of their friends !" (Einstein's opinion)
- Teacher : "What happens to gold when it is exposed to the air ?"
Student : "It is probably stolen !" - Did you hear about the Italian farmer who ran a steam roller across his fields because he wanted to market mashed potatoes?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
Have you ever tried to calculate the following ?
Try it and you will get some funny numbers ! Let me give one for example...
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
Isn't it funny ?
- 1111 x 1111
- 11111 x 11111 OR
- 111111111 x 111111111
Try it and you will get some funny numbers ! Let me give one for example...
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
Isn't it funny ?
Monday, July 2, 2007
There are four circles each with radius 'r'. The circles are so arranged that each circle touches two of the remaining three. There is a big circle touching all four circles. What will be the radius of the bigger circle expressed in terms of 'r' ?
If you have an answer post it as a comment to this post. I will post the answer on 10th July.
If you have an answer post it as a comment to this post. I will post the answer on 10th July.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Just enjoy...!!!
- "When I was seven years old my father took me to the zoo."
"Did they accept you ?" - A famous writer once wrote a book about the adolescents and gave the following advice : When you go into a barber shop, always pick the barber with worst hair-cut. Remember, they cut one-another's hair !!!
- First man at a pub : "My wife doesn't love me, does yours ?"
"I wouldn't know. I've never heard her mention your name," replied the other. - I get intoxicated when I mix water in whiskey, in rum and in brandy. I suspect it is water which intoxicates me most.
- "How do you keep an idiot in suspense ?"
"I'll tell you next week !"
Sunday, June 17, 2007
- It sometimes seems as though we were trying to combine the idea of no schools at all with the democratic ideal of schools for everybody by having schools without education.
_____________Robert Maynard Hutchins - The great end of education is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind; to train it to the use of its own powers, rather than to fill it with the accumulation of others.
_____________Tryon Edwards - The ability to think straight, some knowledge of the past, some vision of the future, some urge to fit that service into the well-being of the community - these are the most vital things education must try to produce.
_____________Virginia Gildersleeve - Theories and goals of education don't matter a whit if you don't consider your students to be human beings.
_____________Lou Ann Walker - Education does not consist merely in adorning the memory and enlightening the understanding. Its main business should be to direct the will.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Recent breakout of CHICKEN GUNIYA in some southern states of India, Kerala in particular, is alarming. I therefore present some facts which could be helpful to common people.
(This information has been republished from: I.M.A.G.S.B.NEWS
BULLETIN/September 2006)
What Is Chicken Guniya or (CHIK or CHIKU) ?
Chickenguniya is a debilitating disease caused by a virus of the
Togaviridae family(alphavirus genus). The incubation period
(time between contamination or infecting bite and the first clinical
signs) is usually 4-7 days.Chickenguniya is an arbovirosis : the
virus causing the disease is transmitted by a vector, an arthropod
(mosquito). This is a heat-sensitive RNA virus. The virus was first
isolated in Tanzania & Uganda in 1953. The name originates from
the posture of the patients : in Swahili, Chickenguniya means:
waiting bent over.
How Is The Virus Of CHIK Transmitted ?
The virus is transmitted by mosquito only. The main virus reservoirs
are monkey, but other species (including humans) can also be
affected. The mosquito picks up the virus by biting a person
suffering from the disease during the viremia phase and in turn
infects other people.The virus is contained in the blood during the
viremic period or viremia.This period starts on the first day of
symptoms(D0) and lasts until about D+5. The virus is therefore
transmitted from human to the mosquito when a human is bitten
by a mosquito during the viremic period.
An infected mosquito will remain infected all its life and can
therefore transmit the virus each time it bites.
Can The Virus Be Transmited From One Person To Another?
No. Transmission takes place uniquely through vector mosquitos. This
vector is a daytime vector with highest activity at the beginning and at
the end of the day.However,artificial transmission through blood-
transfusion and graft surgery is possible in theory.Hence as the
precautionary measure the patient should be prevented from donating
the blood.
The symptoms of Chickenguniya( Chicken Guinea) include fever which can
reach 39 C i.e.,102.2 F, a petechial or maculopapular rash usually involving
the limbs and the trunk, and arthralgia or arthritis affecting multiple joints
which can be debilitating.There can also be headache,conjunctival infection
and slight photophobia.In the present epidemic in the state of Andhra Pradesh
in India, high fever and crippling joint pain was the prevalent complaint.
Fever typically lasts for two days and abruptly comes down,however joint
pain,intense headache,insomnia and an extreme degree of prostration lasts
for a variable period,usually for about 5-7 days.
Dermatological manifestations observed in a recent outbreak of Chickenguniya
in Southern India includes the following:
1. Maculopapular rash
2. Nasal blotchy erythema
3. Freckle-like pigmentation over centro-facial area
4. Flagellate pigmentation on face and extremities
5. Lichenoid eruption and hyperpigmentation in photodistributed areas
6. Multiple aphthous-like ulcers over scrotum,curual areas and axilla
7. Lympoedema in acral distribution (bilateral/unilateral)
8. Multiple ecchymotic spots (Children)
9. Vesiculobullous lesions (Infants)
10.Subungual haemorrhage
Since the beginning of the outbreak in La Reunion, 243 deaths directly
or indirectly related to Chickenguniya have been reported-most of them
occurring among elderly patients with underlying medical condition. About
755 of the deaths occured in persons over the age of 70 years.There are
273 patients(older than 10 days of age) who presented with a severe form
of Chickenguniya,246 of whom were confirmed. Of these,67 patients have
died. The signs of severity include respiratory failure, cardio-vascular
decompensation, or meningo-encephalitis. As for infants less than 10 days
old, 40 tnfections have been confirmed, one of whom has died. Chikungunya
infection was confirmed in the mothers of 39 of these infants.
Like in other arboviruses,Chickenguniya infection can either go totally
unnoticed(i.e. the person is symptom-free; infection is then said to be
asymptomatic) or cause painful and persisting symptoms.
You should immediately see a doctor who will prescribe a suitable treatment
for your particular symptoms. You must also avoid contact with mosquitos
so as not to transmit the disease to people around you.
No. Any person infected once acquires durable immunity naturally.However,
some joint pain(arthralgia) may persist or reappear over variable periods of
time.This is a reaction of the joints and is not due to any re-infection by the
No single catagory of population ( age, sex, occupation, ethnic group, etc. )
is more immune from Chickenguniya than others.
No. There is currently no marketed vaccine available for humans.It takes
several years to complete a vaccine research, development and marketing
Treatment is symptomatic-rest, fluids,and ibuprofen, naproxen,acetamenophen, or paracetamol may relieve symptoms of fever and aching. Aspirin should be avoided.
There is possible role for chloroquine in the treatment of Chikenguniya.There is an interesting dialogue, mostly in French(on Internet), about the possible use of chloroquine in the treatment of the arthralgia associated with Chikenguniya.
Supportive care with rest is indicated during the acute joint symptoms.Movement and mild exercise tend to improve stiffness and morning arthralgia, but heavy exercise may exacerbate rheumatic symptoms.
Use of steroids for the control of joint npains and inflammation is dangerous and completely unwarranted.
Following a recent outbreak (2006) of the disease in Southern India, several homeopathy practitioners in the region have been handing out medicine that is supposed to prevent the disease. However, there have been no scientific studies to confirm the effectiveness of homeopathy against the Chikenguniya.
Because there is no vaccine or preventive treatment, the only way not to be infected is to reduce exposure tu mosquito-bite as far as possible. This entails destroying larva-breeding grounds in order to reduce vector density, and protecting oneself against insect-bite.
The female Aedes albopictus lays its eggs in a breeding ground or "nest" consisting of standing waterpools.Females lay their eggs in fresh water containing little organic matter(clean water).There are different types of these nests:
*Household Nests: rain barrels, flowerpot saucers,cut-in pots,etc.
*Quasi-household Nests: rain-exposed containers, cluttered rain gutters that do not drain completely, unmaintained swimming-pools and basins, old tyres, refuse abandoned in gardens, cut bamboo stalks, plants with sheathing leaves, etc.
*Natural Pockets:ravines,holes in boulders, holes or nooks of trees, swamps, ruts,etc. About 80% of nests are man-made(household and quasi-household). The aedes mosquito is sedentary: it will not fly more than 100 metre from itd original shelter.
The adult(female) is active during the day, with two major periods of activity: one in the morning at sunrise, the other in late afternoon at sunset(when the mosquito is often more aggrassive).Aedes albopictus generally bites outdoors( it is "exophagic") but it can also fly into the house and bite people inside.
No.Mosquitos do not seem to be affected by the virus in their bodies.Once a female is infected( and infecting), it remains so throughout its life. There is no evidence of the female transmitting the Chikenguniya virus to its eggs(however, transmission of the dengue fever virus to eggs has been evidenced.
Short of an available vaccine or preventive drugs, the only way to reduce the risk of catching the disease is to reduce exposure to infected mosquitos. You must therefore(i) protect your body against bites and(ii) reduce the number of mosquitos around your home by destroying larva nests(discussed above).
Several options are available to you:
-Ventilation with fans or air conditioners.
-Electric insecticide diffusers or coils for outside use.
-Repellant creams and sprays.Mosquito repellant based on a 30% DEFT concentration is recommended.Aphysician should be consulted before using repellants if there are children under 12 years or/and a pregnant woman.Repellants are not advisible for children under three months.Insecticide-treated bed-nets are recommended for them.
-In the evening, long-sleeved clothes and long trousers should be worn to reduce direct skin exposure(especially legs and ankles).
-Mosquito screens should be placed on windows; mosquito nets over baby-cots and prams and over the beds of people confined to bed.
In February 2005, an outbreak was recorded on the French Island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean. As on May 18,2006, some 258,000 residents have been hit by the virus in the past year(out of about 777,000). 219 official deaths have been associated with Chikenguniya.
Mauritius-3500 islanders have been hit in 2005.
In 2006,there was a big outbreak in Andhra Pradesh(India). The initial cases were reported from Hyderabad and Secunderabad as well as from Anantpur district as early as in Nov and Dec,2005 and it is continuing unabated. In Hyderabad alone an average practitioner sees and treats somewhere between 10 to 20 cases every day.
On average there are around 5300 cases being treated daily. This figure is only from public-sector. The figures combined with the private sector (clinics) would be much higher.
There have been reports of large scale outbreak of this virus in Southern India.At least 80000 people in Gulbarga, Tumkur, Bidar, Raichur, Bellary, Chitradurga, Davangere, Kolar and Bijapur districts in Karnataka State are known to have been affected since Dec 2005.
In Bangalore,the capital of Karnataka State(India), there seems to be an outbreak of Chikenguniya now(May 2006) with arthralgia /arthritis and rashes. So also in the neighbouring State of Andhra Pradesh. In the third week of May 2006 the outbreak of Chikenguniya in North Karnataka was severe.
As of July 2006, nearly 50000 people were affected in Salem, Tamilnadu.
On 24 August 2006,"The Hindu" daily reported that the Indian States of Tamilnadu,Karnataka,Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Kerala had reported 1.1 million cases.
Analysis of the rcent outbreak has suggested that the increased severity of the disease may be due to a change in the genetic sequence, altering the virus' coat protien, which potentially allows it to multiply more in mosquito cell.

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